Qi Gong for Autumn

Fall is the time to store the fruits of the summer harvest so we can continue to draw from this storehouse during winter. Qi means energy, aliveness, or prana and Gong means to work with skill, so Qi Gong works skillfully with energy to nourish and harmonize the body, mind, and emotions.

In traditional Chinese medicine, Fall is the season of the lungs and the metal element. During this 4-week series, you’ll learn:

~Breathing practices to boost energy,
~Ways to supercharge your immune system in preparation for the “illness season,”
~Exercises to open the upper back, neck, and shoulders to bring more energy to the lungs,
~Gentle flowing movements to relax the tension and move qi
~Moving meditations to guide and balance excess and deficient qi


What are you harvesting this year?

Upcoming Classes

Thursday - September 19, 2024 / EST
Qi Gong for Autumn
Thursday 9/19/2024
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Barbara Okerson

4-week series: use your regular class pass!
11109 Sunset Hills Rd, Reston, VA 20190