Yuki Riley

A Japanese quote “Ichigo Ichie” means, “once in a lifetime encounter.” Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, Yuki believes that this quote describes the essence of teaching yoga – cherishing the present opportunity to share and honor the individual practitioners in the space – and also appreciates her personal practice for bringing mental calmness and balance her active lifestyle. Yuki completed the 300YTT at Beloved Yoga in 2017, and has studied a variety of aspects, including Yin Yoga with Bernie Clark, Svastha Yoga with Dr. Ganesh Mohan, and Therapeutic Wisdom with Doug Keller. Currently, she is working on a Yoga Therapy master’s program at the Maryland University of Integrative Health to become a certified yoga therapist. Her background is functional fitness and personal training, and yoga has been an essential self-care tool for physical, mental, and emotional well-being for herself and her clients.