Carry the Load: Movement Training for Adho Mukha Svanasana & Chaturanga Dandasana

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Sunday 11/17/2024 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
$45.00 Carry the Load: Movement Training for Adho Mukha Svanasana & Chaturanga Dandasana

The primary dharma of the upper extremity is to create and cradle civilization, rather than carry body weight. Boots may be made for walking, but arms are not! In asana practice, however, we frequently bear the weight of the body in the hands and shoulders. It’s healthy to challenge ourselves in this way as long as we have reliable form and strength.

Adho Mukha Svanasana is practiced in virtually every asana class, yet many folks struggle with this popular pose. From wrist and shoulder pain to range-of-motion limitations, it may be more aptly called "Reactive Dog Pose." Throw in Chaturanga Dandasana, which lots of folks try to sneak through, and we have a recipe for inflamed or injured rotator cuffs. 

How do we practice these empowering poses with contentment and ease? The first step is to root ourselves in sound biomechanics. The next is to relieve unproductive tension in the upper back and chest, and then build strength. Last, we work on inviting more range in our movement. Our practice will be framed by these key concepts:

scapular control and mobility
well-centered joints
efficient weight transfer from hands to torso.

Bring your concerns, physical or otherwise, for a 3-hour class sure to reframe your relationship with Downward-facing Dog and Four-limbed Staff Pose. 3 CEUs.

Mary Richards

MARY RICHARDS, MS, C-IAYT, ERYT, YACEP, has been practicing yoga for almost thirty years and travels around the country teaching anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology. A hard-core movement nerd and former NCAA athlete, Mary has a master’s degree in yoga therapy. Mary lives in the Washington, D.C. area, where she teaches syllabus-based yoga classes, sees clients privately, and trains bodyworkers, fitness professionals, and yoga instructors in movement literacy and therapeutic asana techniques.

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