Inspiration through Expression with Brenda McMorrow

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Saturday 10/19/2024 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
$35.00 Inspiration through Expression with Brenda McMorrow

Join Brenda McMorrow in this special 90-minute workshop to create more space and inspiration for our unique voices to emerge! We will share fun and supportive-sounding exercises; songs (mantras and songs in English and Spanish); visualizations/meditations for the throat chakra and more!

We will uncover and rediscover the creativity and freedom that lives within all of us in a safe and deeply connection-filled space.

No singing experience is required. You were born with your own unique instrument and we are honored to have you as part of this special blend of voices!

In this workshop, we will:

~ Cultivate a sense of relaxation and presence through visualization/meditation 

~ Share in movement and rhythm that encourages easeful vocalization

~ Experience joyful and supportive-sounding exercises and improvisations

~ Enjoy reflection exercises and the opportunity to share in a supportive listening space

~ Sing healing songs together (Sanskrit mantras as well as songs in English and Spanish)

Throughout our lives, many of us have shut down or dampened our voices and our impulse to sing and play. What if we were able to let go of the social programming, belief systems, etc. that hinder our natural ability to express and sing?

What if your very intention and desire to release blocks to creative expression is the first and most powerful step to opening into your vibrant ability to find joy and freedom in sound, rhythm and connection?

Join us in this remarkable opportunity to reconnect with the beauty of your own blessed voice!

Brenda McMorrow

Brenda McMorrow is known for her unique and warmly embracing style of mantra medicine music, in which she blends elements of acoustic folk, world rhythms and ancient Indian chants with a sweetly introspective singer-songwriter’s sensibility. With Sanskrit Mantra and Kirtan as the basis, Brenda weaves in the power of Spanish Medicine songs and her own inspiring English lyrics to create a healing and uplifting tapestry with the audience. 

Yoga Journal describes Brenda as having “a knack for expressing the deepest realizations in the sparsest lyrics”. Spiritual teacher Ram Dass has said: “Brenda has a gift”, and her intention is to help bring more beauty, peace, understanding and well-being into the world through the joy and healing power of music. Brenda’s music is touching hearts across the globe.



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