Shoulder Rx: Techniques for Flexibility and Strength

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$45.00 Shoulder Rx: Techniques for Flexibility and Strength

With Mary Richards


Do you experience shoulder pain when you place weight on your hands in Downward-Facing Dog? Do you feel uncomfortable pings when you reach for items overhead, perform push-ups, or engage in arm-reliant sports like tennis? Perhaps you have difficulty with back extensions due to restricted shoulder mobility. 

This class intensive is designed to help you build strength and comfort in the shoulder girdle. Bring your sore or injured rotator cuffs, out-of-sync traps and tight pecs for some much-needed “Shoulder Rx.” We will learn exercises to facilitate function as well as work through shoulder-centric asana.

Mary Richards

MARY RICHARDS, MS, C-IAYT, ERYT, YACEP, has been practicing yoga for almost thirty years and travels around the country teaching anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology. A hard-core movement nerd and former NCAA athlete, Mary has a master’s degree in yoga therapy. Mary lives in the Washington, D.C. area, where she teaches syllabus-based yoga classes, sees clients privately, and trains bodyworkers, fitness professionals, and yoga instructors in movement literacy and therapeutic asana techniques.

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