Structural Anatomy for the Whole Body with Doug Keller

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Friday 04/11/2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday 04/12/2025 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday 04/12/2025 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sunday 04/13/2025 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday 04/13/2025 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

$220.00 Structural Anatomy for the Whole Body - full weekend
$35.00 Structural Anatomy with Doug Keller - Friday PM
$50.00 Structural Anatomy with Doug Keller - Saturday AM
$50.00 Structural Anatomy with Doug Keller - Saturday PM
$50.00 Structural Anatomy with Doug Keller - Sunday AM
$50.00 Structural Anatomy with Doug Keller - Sunday PM

$220 full weekend/$50 per session/$35 for Friday

(300HR TT weekend)

Friday: 6-8 pm

Saturday & Sunday: 10 am - 1 pm, 2-5 pm

Friday Evening Master Class: Keys to the Shoulders (6-8 PM)

There are some secrets to knowing how to move the shoulders well for greater freedom — and it’s not just about stretching! We need to understand how the joints of our shoulder girdle work and how the lack of proper ‘joint play’ causes tightness, weakness, and pain syndromes.

In this master class, Doug will explain the significance of ‘joint play’ and lay out a few fundamental principles for working with the shoulder joints safely and effectively. Yoga poses help us explore shoulder freedom, and there are many variations and exercises to help us progress. 

Saturday Morning: The Feet are the Keys to the Hips and Knees (10 AM - 1 PM)

Our nervous system regulates our flexibility according to the freedom it perceives in our joints. This ‘first principle’ for working with the body is called ‘Joint Play.’ 

We’ll begin by looking at this in the structure and function of the feet — and how the state of our feet profoundly influences the flexibility of our hamstrings, hips, and low back, as well as the healthy function of our knees and hips.

This session will start with simple movements and exercises for our feet that will be translated into principles for movement in asana — and will be essential to your working effectively with your hamstrings and your knees and hips.

Saturday Afternoon: The Heart of Movement: the Sacrum and Spine (2-5 PM)

All movement in asana begins with the spine, and the natural undulation of the spine in movement is also the foundation for the health and steadiness of the mind. The heart of the spine’s movement is at the sacrum, whose movement initiates the stimulation into action known in the wisdom tradition of yoga as ‘Prana Vayu,’ as well as the grounding, centering movements characterized as ‘Apana Vayu.’

This session will explore the movements of the sacrum and pelvic bones in forward bending, back bending, and twists, starting from standing poses, and the interwoven threads of muscles connected to these movements by which the integrated whole-body movements of these asanas occur.

This session will be a practical and accessible exploration of sacral and low-back health and the keys to healthy movement patterns in asana. It will include a straightforward understanding of the actions of the ‘Core’ which supports these movements, traditionally known as the ‘bandhas.’

Your experience of forward bending, back bending, and twisting — without going to extremes — will be transformed by this understanding, and your low back will thank you for it!

Sunday Morning: Essentials for Shoulder Freedom (10 AM - 1 PM)

The shoulders are the most mobile joints in our body, and yet most of us get tight — causing pain in our neck and back, as well as suffering pain and limitation in the shoulders themselves. Even flexible people can have shoulder and neck pain!

There are secrets to knowing how to move the shoulders well to achieve more freedom — and it’s not just about stretching! We need to understand how our shoulder joints work and how lack of freedom in these joints causes tightness and reduces the strength of our muscles. If we move the joints well, flexibility in our muscles will follow!

In this session, Doug will lay out fundamental principles for working with the shoulder joints safely and effectively. The master class on Friday gave an experiential taste of the essence of these principles. In this session, we’ll be able to go into greater depth and include work with the hands, wrists, and elbows.

Yoga poses help us explore shoulder freedom, and many variations and exercises keep the practice interesting and accessible. With Doug’s guidance, you’ll understand the purpose of these actions, poses, and variations. You will easily remember them so you can incorporate them into your yoga practice or just into your day!

Sunday Afternoon: Neck Health as the Key to Clarity and Breath (2-5 PM)

The neck's health is an extension of the spine's health — its alignment and movement — and it is likewise the seat of the mind and the gatekeeper of the breath.

This session will explore the keys to healthy patterns of movement for the neck and will move from practical applications in asana practice to the role of neck and head alignment in breath practices. 

This will include an experiential understanding of the power of drishthi — the gaze of the eyes — both for neck freedom in asana practice and the power of drishthi in pranayama and meditation.

Doug Keller

Doug Keller has been teaching workshops and trainings internationally in the therapeutic applications of yoga for 20 years, and is known not only for his effectiveness in communicating this ever-evolving approach in these trainings, but also for his extensive writing on the topic in magazines, journals and his two-volume work on ‘Yoga As Therapy.’ He has also served, in addition to his traveling and teaching, as a Distinguished Professor at the Maryland University of Integrative Health in their Master’s Degree program in Yoga Therapy.

His background reflects a lifelong commitment to studying, imbibing and sharing the vast field of knowledge and practice known as yoga. After receiving honors and graduate degrees in philosophy from the top Jesuit universities in the United States, Georgetown and Fordham Universities, and teaching philosophy at a college level for several years, he then pursued his ‘post-graduate’ education in the practical experience of yoga at the Siddha Meditation Ashram, Gurudev Siddha Peeth in India, for seven years. He spent a total of 14 years doing service, practicing, training in and teaching yoga in Siddha Meditation Ashrams worldwide. He received intensive training in the Iyengar system in New York City, mainly with senior certified Iyengar teacher Kevin Gardiner. He also practiced Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in India, and became one of the first certified Anusara Yoga teachers, producing three highly respected books on asana, pranayama and yoga philosophy.

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