The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to others their own - Disraeli
I offer this prayer to myself and you. Let us continue to refine and adapt our yoga practice to maintain optimal health throughout our lifetime.
Yoga is many things. It is movement, study, and breath, a consistent and steady striving for health and well-being. How you view it is how you pursue it.
Yoga says you are not broken, you have always been whole, and now it is time to remember.
Yoga allows us the opportunity to cultivate awareness, create space, and find balance in body and mind.
Joelle believes there is deep truth in simplicity: Love to all, Life to all, Peace to all.
Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind. Or, in plain English, after Yoga the student feels calmer and happier. It was a nice workshop!
Yoga reminds me to tune in to the continuous play of calibration for the body, mind and soul!
The magic of yoga is that is always meets you exactly where you are, and, at the same time, it invites you to something more.
Yoga is a road map...sharing it and witnessing the limitless and creative possibilities it offers is my greatest joy!
My passion is to open up your opportunities to realize the benefits of practicing yoga in your daily life.